Farms and flatlands (and reunion!)

The road to Sheyenne National Grasslands, ND

Grinnell College Reunion 2023

Our second week of travel started with the three-day celebration of my 40th (well, 42nd, but – COVID) Reunion at Grinnell College. As a kid, I did not love high school, and when I miraculously got accepted to Grinnell with almost a full ride, I arrived in this small Iowa town to discover that I had found learning paradise. People there thought deep thoughts about important matters, took strategic action on local and global issues, and loved to talk and tell stories. It was wonderful to reconnect with those people again, to learn that they still think deep thoughts about important matters, still take strategic action, and still love to talk and tell stories. And the school itself continues to encourage those things; the alumni awards recipients have truly done things to change the world. I was proud to be among them. 

Then it was on to the great northern prairies, through Iowa (a quick trip though my grandmother's town of Webster City found her formerly drab green house a bright blue; I think she would approve); Minnesota (where we visited my high school friend and caught up on the past 45 years); North Dakota (which has way more water than I expected); and now South Dakota (where we are staying in Aberdeen's municipal campground with electricity and showers before heading into the wilderness of the Badlands tomorrow).

Last week's blog was lots of words and a few pictures. This week, I hope you will enjoy lots of pictures, and far fewer words. After three days in Grinnell, I am talked (and worded) out! More words next time.


Abandoned Iowa farm
Kendall Young Park, Webster City,
scene of many a childhood hike/swim


Most of Minnesota is neat as a pin, but I love the mystery of old abandoned things.

The Mississippi isn't quite as mighty
in Minnesota
The town of Hoffman, MN
population 681

The Hoffman library, in the back
of a quirky consignment shop

North Dakota

Baby alfalfa?

Wild camping in the Sheyenne National Grassland

Grassland trees

We are adding states to our map.

Grassland cows

South Dakota

Red winged blackbird - beauty of the prairie

Sand Lake, SD

Lots of wetlands in South Dakota with 
loud and beautiful birds

Grain ready for market

Haven't seen a Sinclair in years!

Machines on the road!

We set our GPS to avoid motorways – four-lane highways and interstates – so we've ended up on a lot of dirt roads and country lanes, dodging farm equipment and seeing up close the wonders of this beautiful land.


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