Soaking in the Spanish Sun

We have stalled out – in the best of all possible ways. Joe and I spent the month of March running from wind and rain, moving every few days. Everywhere in Spain and Portugal, it seemed, high winds and torrential rains arrived just after we did. Brief moments of glorious sunshine would get our hopes up for spring, and the arctic winds would blow in again. Locals and fellow travelers bemoaned the “worst March ever” in Europe. It hasn’t been too bad, really. Armed with our iPhone weather app, campground finder app and good GPS (thank you, Diane), we have aimed ourselves for – and found – the brief pockets of warmth and sunshine before the cold found us again, forcing us to move on. We’ve walked miles every day, visited medieval towns and castles, explored Moorish history and strolled along the beaches – often in our jackets, scarves and hats. All three of us had birthdays – March 8 (Joe), 21 (Jacob) and 25 (me). A week ago (and still), so...