A Musical Night in Cádiz
We came to Cádiz because there is a Mac store where we hoped to buy a new battery for my iPhone, which is failing fast. It’s rather a strange reason to visit a city, especially the city known for being the longest-inhabited city in Europe, with many architectural and archaeological sights to see. But the iPhone brought us here. The Mac store is on a side street that the camper couldn’t get down, so Joe dropped me off and I walked down the tiny alleyway, found a man at the store who spoke English, and quickly determined that it would take two weeks to get a battery. Joe called to let me know that he had pulled into an emergency parking area not far away, so I headed toward him. On the way, I saw a tourist office and stopped in to ask where we might park the camper to sightsee a bit. The clerk told me how to find a surface parking area right beside the ocean. I hopped into the camper and guided Joe there. It was perfect – an easy walk ...