The Gobi!

We've found the Gobi you see in movies! With a week of rain, much of the Gobi is in flower, green from horizon to horizon. Today, though, we came to the Seruun Bulag sand dunes—100km X 12km of soft, fine, blowing sand. Our group, minus four of us who went part way up and then watched, climbed to the top of one of the highest dunes and back down. Some Korean tourists after us hiked up with red plastic sleds, but they stayed at the top for dinner or snacks, so we didn't get to see them slide down. While I was watching the climbers from a lower dune, a group of horses trotted out onto the sand and started rolling on their backs in evident delight. I'm sure it helps clean their fur and relieve the nuisance of flies. We've spent a LOT of time in our vehicles the last several days. First we drove several hours, much of the time on non-road trails across rocky ground to Karakorum. We spent two nights there at the Tenger Blue Sky ger camp. The first morning, after viewing the...